Overview on our Action
Resilience Now brings its expertise directly to the communities as well as to the organisations. It works in both rural and urban contexts, in developing countries as well as industrialised ones.
Presentation of how Resilience Now works, during the International Climate and Water Workshop in Paris (21/09/2017, in French).
Communities’ strengthening
Resilience Now works directly with vulnerable communities to support them create and implement resilient livelihoods, tailored to their needs and their natural environment.
- Participative assessment of the community socio-environmental resilience,
- Capacity improvement of in the sustainable management of natural resources,
- Participative elaboration of a resilience improvement plan,
- Implementation of pilot solutions in the fields of soils restoration, water supply, sustainable agriculture, bioclimatic buildings, ecological sanitation, renewable energy production.
Actor’ strengthening
Resilience Now works with the actors in environment, development and humanitarian aid to support them integrate resilience and sustainability in their programs and policies.
- Integration of sustainability and resilience in the project cycle,
- Project design for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction,
- Evaluation of the social and environmental impacts of projects,
- Training in resilience, permaculture, natural resources management, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, energy transition.
- Networking of actors and valorization of their actions
Knowledge sharing
Resilience Now seeks, develops and implements the methodological tools and techniques which improve community resilience and sustainability.
- Gathering and sharing of concrete solutions to build communities resilience and sustainability,
- Actors networking
- Conception of methodological tools